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Welcome to Inland Sea Kayakers!

ISK is an organization of sea kayaking enthusiasts based in the Twin Cities who enjoy paddling and sharing the inspiration, education and connections that water provides.

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Join Inland Sea Kayakers Now!

$20 for an Individual
$35 for a Family of 2-3 people or $45 for 4+ people




 Click Here to Join


Each calendar year, ISK opens the educational grant process to our members who are seeking to expand their outdoor knowledge. The goal of this process is to support ISK members who are enrolling in a new course or next step certificate by making available five $100 grants. Examples of this are seeking a Red Cross CPR certificate for the first time or enrolling in an ACA L3 IDW course while holding an L2.

Learn more and apply for a grant:

Donate below.

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events

This summer build your skills for the Fall Rendezvous on Lake Superior. ISK is offering a selection of classes taught by our own certified instructors. You must be a member to participate. Classes include forward stroke refinement, rescues, towing skills, rolling and many more. A great opportunity to learn and meet other paddlers. Check the Event Calendar link for the latest information.